The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons.
Dr. Lester E. Jones - President
Mr. Chafan Marsh - 1st Vice-President
Mr. Gus Rich - 2nd Vice-President
Mrs. Sandra Smith - 3rd Vice-President
Mr. William Hall - Treasurer
Mrs. Judith Davis - Assistant Treasurer
Rev. Desi Lee, Sr. - Secretary
Vacant - Assistant Secretary
If you reside in any part of Santa Rosa County, we invite you to become a member of this branch.
Click here to apply for or renew your membership.
Some 35 years after the establishment of the NAACP, in 1944, a few citizens in the town of Milton, Florida, from the Ferris Hill area, saw the need to be a part of the oldest, biggest, and boldest civil rights organization in the world, The National Association for The Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). After two years of planning, enough citizens had signed up, to apply for a charter, which required 50 members. The membership dues at that time were one dollar for adults, and fifty cents for youths. On May 27, 1946, the group submitted its application for a branch charter to the National Board of the NAACP. On September 9, 1946, the National Board of Directors approved the application and the branch was activated on September 23, 1946.
The first officers of the branch included:
President, Minister Jessie J. Riley
Vice President, Deacon Clyde Gooden
Secretary, Mrs. Eva Parker
Treasurer, Mrs. Melinda Jackson
Over the years many members lost their jobs or encountered other difficulties by being a member. To remain complaint, the branch had to retain at least fifty members. The branch had difficulty retaining and signing new members, and as a result lost its charter in 1949.
Thirty-Six years later, in 1985, citizens of Santa Rosa County came together and decided it was time to be reinstated with the National Organization of the NAACP. Many changes have been made since 1946. Now to obtain a charter, applicants must have 200 paid members to apply to the National Office Board of Directors. The adult membership fee is $10.00 and youth, $5.00.
After two years of planning, the citizens reached the goal of 200 paid members. On July 25, 1987, the group submitted its application for a new charter and on September 23, 1987, received the charter for the Santa Rosa County (Milton) Branch #5094. The officers included:
Mr. Wayne Hodrick, President
Deacon L. T. McKinley, Vice President Minister Esic Rhodes, Jr, Vice President
Ms. Barbara Glover, Secretary
Deacon Bobby Green, Treasurer
Today, the branch has remained compliant and a value-added entity in the Santa Rosa County community.